Frysday - Harvest 30, 802 AR

Uncle Max has reached beyond the grave and touched us yet again. General Liam and Sir Janos finally returned and we were able to learn what it was that prompted their abrupt departure. A letter, and a box, had arrived from Uncle Max. Upon seeing the box, my mind immediately jumped to the conclusion that this was Max's box of notes. Though I have never seen the box, I do know that he kept notes on what the Gryphons had found, and were planning on tackling, in a secure container. It seemed logical that Max would wish to safeguard this box and would arrange for it to be delivered somewhere safely if he felt he were in danger.

In his letter, he entreated the Guild to track down the Gryphons, or if they were unable to do so, to track down any of the Winged Foxes. It seems that General Liam had wished to speak with us about this delivery when Raven and I had briefly returned during our migration of the Turlough Halflings. Perhaps if we had understood, Raven and I could have helped to answer some of the questions before departing again. However, we were in the midst of the journey and the safety of the halflings was foremost on our mind. It does not matter now. What is done, is done. In the future, we will put forth more effort to understand the nature of a summons before declining.

In any event, General Liam and Sir Janos departed for Gryphon Isle. I suspect this was only partly to see if they could locate one of the Gryphons. Max's letter indicated that if all the Gryphons were dead, General Liam would be able to gain access to Gryphon Keep. They are an elusive group and are difficult to locate. I can easily imagine that the quickest way to determine if all of the Gryphons were still alive would be to travel to Gryphon Isle and see if the guardian would allow access to the Keep. Blackhawk seemed defensive with General Liam. He demanded to know why they had bothered to go to Gryphon Keep when the letter told them to locate the Foxes. We all explained that the letter did not state this. We were to be contacted if the Gryphons were unable to take possession of the box. Blackhawk has been experiencing a great deal of disquiet lately. I know not it's source and can offer him little solace. At times I begin to feel enclosed, nay trapped, within the city walls here. If such feelings creep into my heart, what must it be like for Raven and Blackhawk? Perhaps that explains Blackhawk's passive aggression toward General Liam. Perhaps it is something else. He and I both grew accustomed to a certain degree of freedom in Ardania. We also developed a similarity with our dislike for authority. I know that General Liam tends to grate on me with his authoritarian demeanor. I also know that this is, largely, irrational. My reaction is based on a lifetime of flouting authority; cherishing my individual freedoms over the desires of others. I do not regret that aspect of myself. But, I do not bring honor to myself, my friends, or even General Liam by embracing such habits. It is an aspect of myself that I am trying to improve upon. If I am to disregard authority, it will be based on well thought out decisions, not habit. Perhaps Blackhawk is striving in the same way and is just more vocal about his discomforts. In any event, General Liam was hoping that we could help open the box.

Uncle Max once wrote that he would bequeth his box of notes to me if something dire happened to him. I never dreamed there would be an occasion where that would come into play. However, I also know that he wouldn't say something like that in jest. If he was going to tell me that, he would be sure that I could open the box if it ever came into my possession. Judging by his letter, he did the same for the rest of the family within the Winged Foxes. In any event, I was willing to take the chance on trying to open the box. Though, I did suggest that we make the attempt in the Courtyard to reduce any possible danger.

The box is magnificent. I examined it briefly and then felt along the top for any sort of projection that would give me a clue on how to open it. As soon as my hand contacted the top, it began to react ... magically. Several wards or glyphs appeared. It seems I was correct. No harm befell me as they appeared, then disappeared. Suddenly, the top of the box faded to reveal an envelope and parchment within. We returned to General Liam's office and I picked up the letter to read it.

Uncle Max transcribed the beginnings of the tale on how he was duped by Nat Hunter into believing that we were in danger and needed to be saved. My blood boils at the crafty deception. There was enough truth to make it very difficult to detect a lie. Though, I do question whether Nathaniel Hunter truly knows that we safely made it to the Dragonreach. Perhaps it was fanciful embellishment on his part? Though Uncle Max felt compelled to attempt to rescue us, it seems he was not so comfortable as to not safeguard his notes. Which, is quite fortunate for us! Included within the envelope is an odd parchment with an unknown script upon it. On the other side is an unusual drawing and a passage about a Weapon without an Answer. It seems to be a puzzle the Gryphons are trying to solve. One possibility seems to be that it is a reference to the Sword of the Four Winds. The sword that was left behind at the end of the last Storm. Could the answer be the identity of the next Ard Righ? There was another small note on there as well. "Ask Firiel about S." What does it mean? Who, or what does S. represent? Surely Lady Firiel would know of what Max spoke of. Until we can answer this riddle, we can only wonder. However, one thought does cross my mind. How much would Lady Firiel know about the Ard Righ and the Taoiseach? If we have been visited with dreams of Uncle Max being pursued by the Blackcloaks, have the Gryphons been visited with dreams about us? Is it possible that we are supposed to ask Lady Firiel about me? Perhaps I am too self-centered. There are many things that S. could refer to. Even within our Company, there are two of us with names beginning with S. Could it be a reference to Steven Fox? So many questions, so many possibilities, it hardly seems feasible to speculate. Still, I do speculate. I must! It is part of my nature, though I am not gifted with any particular foresight.

I do wish we could contact any of the Gryphons! I would feel better simply knowing, rather than hoping, that they understand the danger the Blackcloaks represent. As well, they have been travelling throughout the Isles for years, decades even. Perhaps they could help us make sense of some of these things faster. It would also be nice to explain Carlotta's state to them to see if they could help in that regard. I am also eager to show them that we have made it to the Isles, and that we have grown in many ways. That we are becoming capable of standing at their sides. For surely, they will have some desire to bring Nathaniel Hunter and his corrupt organization to justice for what they have done to Max. Yes, I fight the Darkness to give Hope to all in this world. But in the matter of Nathaniel Hunter, I don't fight him just to save the innocent, I also seek to bring Justice for the crimes he has committed against me and my family.