Things you might "know" about Stephen
A consolidation of family fact, rumour and gossip

Stephen's father, Lord Mitchell Fox, was named a Baron by the Viscount Dorian Fox for services performed as a bodyguard/messenger.

Lord Mitchell married soon after becoming landed.

Lord Mitchell continued to operate as the Viscounts agent abroad, even after marriage.

Lord Mitchell's health has rapidly declined in the last few years.

Lord Mitchell has 5 sons and 2 daughters.

Stephen is the fourth eldest son.

Duane, the eldest son, has already begun to assume his duties as the eventual Baron.

Even as a child, Stephen was known for his courtesy (He always addressed Lady Gilda properly, even around family. He probably drove 1 or more of you crazy with this as your parents would use Stephen as an example of real manners.)

Stephen was always talented at music.

Duane and Stephen have had many disagreements over the years.

Stephen's next older brother (3rd Eldest), Maxwell, joined the clergy, but died in a freak accident a year before everyone joined the Adventurers Guild.

The Lady Gilda has become colder and distant toward Stephen over the years.

Stephen and Maxwell were very close in age and got along very well, until Maxwell joined the clergy.

In the last 10 years or so, Stephen has taken to traveling and visiting each of the homes throughout the family.

Stephen is quite a dangerous fencer. Not even Duane will dare to challenge him. (From what you have seen, he is no better than Blackhawk) - Update: From what you have seen, Blackhawk is much more serious about his Dueling studies

Lord Mitchell does not love the Lady Gilda and has been known to be indiscreet in their relationship.

Stephen's youngest brother, Michael, is quite a bit younger than Stephen (in fact, he is quite a bit younger than anyone in the party, being a mere 11 years old.)

Stephen is a lazy lounge-about with no hope of ever accomplishing anything productive.

Duane and the Lady Gilda were both strong supporters of Stephen joining the Adventurers Guild.

Stephen was quite social while at the Adventurers Guild and was the frequent topic of gossip.

The GuildMistress, Kali, took Stephen on as a lover. Why else would she personally "tutor" him in his studies.