Well, yesterday was quite interesting. After I awoke everyone with the rising of the sun, we spoke with Otter a bit and decided to check out the structure on the island. When invited to join us, Otter declined, until Blackhawk offered to carry him. He quickly took Blackhawk up on his offer by climbing up his legs, across his back and settling on his head. That being taken care of, we hiked through the bushes until we came to the structure.

Even as we approached, we could discern a similarity to the structure on Tholos. There was a doorway, but no door. The entire structure, again, appeared to be carved from a single piece of stone. It occurs to me that if Raven can shape wood with her gifts and her hands, it isn't that much of a stretch to think that somebody did the same to this building to eliminate any seams. We entered the structure and found it to be remarkably clear of dust as well. Etched into the floor was a marvelous pattern. It took me a moment to realize that it it was colored violet or purple. We searched the structure, but found nothing. Deciding that we would need to delve into the structures secrets another time, we headed back to the cove to catch and prepare food.

Partway back to the cove, a dragon alighted on the peak of the mountain. The creature positioned itself in such a manner that we couldn't easily discern any detail with the position of the sun, but we could make out that it appeared to wearing jewelry. I was dearly tempted to climb to the summit and attempt to speak with it. It seemed to be sitting there watching us. Since there was very little we could do about it, other than trying to communicate, we proceeded to the beach and just tried to keep our eyes on it.

Raven and Blackhawk immediately set about trying to rustle up some food. We were lucky with their catch and managed to get a good amount. Raven concocted another stew. We bathed briefly at the waterfall and refilled our waterskins and decanters. The stew was ready by the time we returned and we set about eating. Otter ate a tremendous amount! As he sat there, watching us over his newly rotund belly, we asked him what assistance he could provide to help us get back to Bliss.

He informed us that he cannot personally help us, but he can see what is ahead of us. He then asked for some water and proceeded to prophecy. There are certain facts that I will not relate here as I am not sure that my notes will not someday benefit one with evil intent.

Otter informed us that there are many perils that lie before us. There is only one path that he forsees that leads to something other than our deaths. From here on out, my notes were sketchy, but I will transcribe that which I remember.

We are far from Bliss

Would need to pass the Dragon's Teeth to get to the Coldward Isles. We won't succeed. Boat too small, us too poor at sailing

Must sail West. Will pass many small islands. Do not land or be distracted.

We will see a smoking island. We will find a bay on the east (sunrise side) of island. Land here. Climb cliffs to settlement. replenish ourselves as best we can from here.

Sail west. We will be without landmarks (open sea?)

At some point we will see great green cliffs. Can't sail around. On the east side, we will find a massive waterfall (maybe in a bay, I was writing too fast) Will see massive Dragon Statues must use stone platform that we will find there (some sort of "dock"?) Climb steps to the top. At top, will find ourselves surrounded by beautiful women (Fian) This is the Isle of the Land of Gods Do not fight, though they will try to provoke us We cannot defeat them, even if we could, we would be struck down. If things look really bad, we should tell them that Raven is a Druid. This will give them pause. If things get really bad, we should tell them that I am a Bard. This is risky as I have not passed any of the local Bardic Challenges and will have a difficult time proving this. Instead of fighting, we must request hospitality. They will be honour bound to grant it and feed us as well as provide shelter. We need to use their honour and customs to our advantage. (Sounds like they have a strict code. If we can avoid offending them or breaking their laws, they will not be able to harm us.) The women will then try to get us to provoke them or break their laws. They will try to get us to press advances (possibly interpreted as sleeping w/ them) that we do not have any right to.

The next day, Stephen must ask to speak to the Guardian. They will refuse. I must show resolve and remain calm and ask a second time. Once again, they will refuse. We cannot use any threats, or get angry. I must, however, remain polite. By not availing myself of their hospitality, I show my resolve, without provocation. I put them in the position where they cannot perform their honour bound duty of providing assistance and leave them with the option of breaking their honour or allowing me to speak to the Guardian. If we are lucky, the Guardian will take notice of these events and come see what is happening.

If she finds us lacking in any way, she will slay us.

Otter then told us that we would have need to speak with him once more, at some point in the future. When the times comes, we will know it. We will also know how to call him. He then turned, glided into the water and swam out of sight before we could say anything further.

We felt a common urgency and quickly packed everything into the boat to begin following Otters instructions.

After several hours on sea, the only thing we saw was several small islands and a brief glimpse of 8 heads poking out of the water. I am curious if they were Sea Elves. Otter had indicated that they lived in the area. Nevetheless, they did not bother us and they disappeared as soon as they realized they had been spotted. Heeding Otter's advice, we avoided being distracted by the islands. Some time later, we spied something a short distance away. As we neared it, it appeared to be a small ships boat. Much like the one the Moonwind had. We turned to go toward it. Shortly, we could make out the sign of a trident on it's bow, and it looked as if someone were laying in the boat. We called out, but received no answer. Thinking it likely that one of our sister ships, the Trident, may have met a similar fate, and the figure inside might be a survivor, we pulled alongside the boat. The figure inside was wearing a Journeyman's cloak.

Since I had made some effort to at least familiarize myself with the other apprentices planning on heading to the Isles, and thinking I was the most expendable if the figure was hostile, I crawled into the boat and turned it over. I found myself looking at a badly sunburned Elven face. He looked vaguely familiar and did not respond much. So, I decided to try a healing incantation I know. He looked a little better, but not much. Raven, being somewhat disgusted at my feeble attempts at healing, crossed into the boat as well and used her gifts to help bring him around.

He eventually came around. He identified himself as Jotork, a Fian, and confirmed that he was on the Trident. His memory was unclear on many things, but he thought we looked vaguely familiar and could recall that he was in White Squad in the battle with the Dark Circle. That was good enough for me. I figure he will get his memory back as he returns to health.

We tied his boat behind ours and brought Jotork in with us while we proceeded onward. I hope his memory comes quickly. I am anxious to know what befell the Trident.