Thane is a dark haired, surly looking fellow that stands just under 6 feet. His has a thick beard and moustache and his hair is average length but somewhat unkempt. His brown eyes stare out at everyone, almost in a challenging manner. He favors clothing in earthy colors and is rarely seen without armor and some sort of weapon. His manner and bearing are similar to a habitual soldier and his occasional loud guffaws are just about his most noticable feature.

Few people find Thane to be likeable. He is often boorish and his implied contempt for those weaker then himself is obvious. Those that have taken the time to get to know him realize that Thane doesn't even realize his behavior bothers other people. In that manner, he is large an over large kid. He doesn't mean to offend. He just doesn't understand proper social behavior.

For the few that have known Thane for a while, they find him to be a stout, yet gruff, companion. He is inclined to apply strength to a given situation rather than thinking it through. Occasionally, this is even helpful. Fortunately, his willingness to help his companions helps offset his manners.