From the journal of Maxfield Jaden Fox, scribed this 1st Blossom, 801

We woke to find the otter still with us. He seems to have developed quite the passion for Raven's fish stew. He is an odd creature, Blackhawk views him with distrust. Stephen finds him fascinating, as, I must admit, do I. He answered some questions in his usual cryptic manner, from what he said, he hasn't seen his mother in a while, she "may have" been a human or an elf at sometime, was a great talker and told him about Seagate! He told us he has 3 brothers and 4 sisters. I wonder if all of them converse in common? Wise beast, asked me why I was afraid of dragons. I debated telling him, but ultimately took the straight forward approach. He seemed genuinely sorry. Raven and Blackhawk brought some fish and MacGyver contributed some shellfish and Raven began a stew. We began to question Fair Otter, as Stephen has been calling him, about the building on this islet. He said the structure was here before he arrived. He didn't seem terribly interested, but accompanied us in our investigation when Blackhawk volunteered to carry him(!) The structure had the same construction and feeling as the one on Tholos, even the same indecipherable, vaguely elvish script. It had a lovely tiled floor, with a violet pattern on it. Cool, perfectly smooth limestone, with the fossil remains of shells in it. Once again, it seemed impervious to dust. The otter said he didn't know what the stucture was for, and asked for breakfast. MacGyver thinks the structure was carved from a single huge rock, which seems likely, given it's seamless appearance. As we were leaving, Blackhawk called our attention to a dragon which had alighted on a nearby peak. I somehow mastered my fear and was able to stand rather than run.Raven's musings about what could sustain such a large dragon population did nothing to encourage me... We went to the falls and refilled our odd assortment of vessles. At this point, I believe, the otter was asked if he could show us the way to Bliss. He indicated that if we fed him enough, he would do just that. After 3 servings of fish stew, a hugely rotund otter tells us that while he can't go with us to Bliss, he can see some of what's ahead of us. He asked for some water and began to speak from some kind of trans like state. He said many perils awaited us, that we were further from Bliss than we thought. He said our boat could not survive the coldward isles, also known as the Dragon's Teeth, as none of us are accomplished mariners. There are many sharp rocks there. He told us to sail towards the setting sun, and not to be distracted by any of the small islands along the way. we should make for the "Smoking Island" where there was a settlement and we should equip ourselves as best we could. He also told us about another island, where Fian priestesses live, but I will save that description for the end of this missive. The otter then addressed us very seriously. "Perhaps I will run into you again," he said,"You will need me one more time. If you come to this place and call for me, I will come. Good luck." And with that, he scampered off to the water and dove in. I was amazed that he could swim after 3 helpings of fish stew.

We gathered up our possessions and set sail. It was cloudy. At one point in the distance we saw what looked like 8 heads peeking up out of the water. Aquatic elves? More Sahaugin? I do not know, but they didn't confront us. When we had sailed for quite some time, we spotted what looked like a boat. On closer examination, it was indeed a boat, the Trident's pinda. Inside was a woodelf, about our age, strangely tatooed. He was badly sunburned and needed food and water, but once Stephen and Raven had worked their healing skills on him, he was little the worse for wear. He was also a guild member, introduced himself as Jotork. He said he was a Fian (I'm thinking this could be useful in the future) and woke to find the Trident breaking up around him. I believe he is now part of the Company of the Winged Fox...

2nd Blossom, 801
I took first watch and was terribly embarassed when Blackhawk pointed out what turned out to be a giant sea turtle following around 30 feet behind the boat...I guess I was so preoccupied with watching the sky for dragons that I missed it. As usual, Stephan woke us with music. We found the smoking mountain and went to explore. It seemed deserted, yet there were insistent rustles in the underbrush and giggling from some unknown source. Always prudent, Blackhawk decided to stay with the boats. We were startled by a young woman on horseback who thundered through the party and up the hill. Stephan claimed to have been kissed by a maid of 12, but none of us saw her. There was obviously a cataclysmic fire here some time ago. There are no really old trees, just young pines and scrub oaks. To one side is a large dark hole, to the other is a stone structure. As we got closer to the end of the path, we noticed bone fragments and part of a small skull. We then went toward the structure, which proved to be the tomb of Carlotta de Grey.We must be on the isle of Turlough.The tower in the distance must be the famous "Wizard's Tower". Strange times when legends walk among us. We found a settlement, burned out and crumbled, of halfling type houses. As we were exploring, we were treated to some kind of phantasmic retelling of the story of Carlotta's battle with the red dragon and her ultimate death when it fell upon her. It was so real...There was beautiful flute music on the wind, though none of us could figure out where it was coming from. Jotork spotted something half buried in the earth. It was one of Carlotta's five treasures!The ones that Brimbor told about. An exquisite enameled whistle, which began to play of it's own accord. The de Greys were Lark's mother's people. I wish I had asked her more about them while I was still able.

Jaden forgot to include... During the replaying of Carlotta's death, we saw two halfling children. A shadowy figure handed them a large shield, which they used to cover themselves. Could it have been the shield of Carlotta? If it was, is it somewhere here on the island?

The otter's warning...

Five days towards the setting sun from the "Smoking Island", you will find another island. There is only one safe approach, all others mean certain death. On the sunrise side of the island, coldward of center, you will see great green cliffs and a waterfall, flanked by beautifully carved stone dragons...there is a path, steps, about a hundred to the top of the cliff. This land is protected by Fian women who would stay those who would go to the land of the Gods. You can not hope to defeat these women, who will kill you for the slightest affront. If you spill as much as a drop of their blood, you will pay with your lives, so be polite and docile and use their customs to your advantage. Ask for hospitality and they will be duty bound to give it. Tell them Raven is a druid, as they are sworn to protect druids and bards. They aren't likely to believe that Stephan is a bard, but he must ask to speak to the "Guardian". He will ask 3 times, strongly, but politely. If they deny the request, he must sit in the dirt outside, showing with resolve, but no rancor, that it is his right to see her. None of the rest of you should mention the Guardian, or pretend to be anything you're not. When he is granted audience, Stephan (and only Stephan) must say these words, three sentences, to the Guardian.If she acknowledges him, he should ask for passage to "The Land Of The High Kings". At this point, it is her duty to act on your behalf, but if she finds you in any way unworthy, she will kill you...

(There is an addendum to this log here.)