These are notes from BlackHawk to Raven that he has transcribed into his journal.


I believe that our exchange was just chance but it my give us the opportunity to examined the friction between us. I believe it comes form our similarities, and that we see a lot of each other in ourselves. No pun intended regarding our current situation. I envy your talents and the empathy you have with nature. It seems that what I have to struggle to achieve just comes second nature to you. I also sense that there are things I do, that as a Druid with Elvin blood irritates you to no end. You must remember I grew up without any great appreciation for nature and the natural forces around us and it was only in my last year at the Guild did I have my mind opened to the reality of the world.

Now in your body I can feel the ease at which you move, almost as water running down a well-worn streambed. There is also a sense of power that lingers here; it is not all in your spirit but must exist as a balance between your body and your soul. In what I hope to be a short visit I would like to ask for your help, and permission, in training me in the ways of this power, to explore and be one with it, for it runs so much stronger in you than in myself. I ask this so when I am returned to my body I may be able to recognize and nurture the spark residing in it. I may also be able to bring you another perspective in the ways of blending natural energies into combat and scouting that you may not have conceived of.

I understand that what I am proposing is a difficult task and that we both are probably feeling violated right now but in our vulnerability perhaps we can start anew and take advantage of our situation and become each other's teacher. If our situation permits perhaps may I suggest a short instruction on the ways of the Mighty Short Bow and how to channel your target through it.

BlackHawk (in Ravens body)



You ask for trust. We have and must trusted each other with our lives every day, but I do understand the trust you ask to share, it is trusting someone with your sole. This is much more profound and dangerous than trusting someone with your life or body, for the sole if wounded dose not necessarily heal and those wounds can carry harm to others both in this life as well as the after life. I know you carry the scars of such wounds and I also sense you have spent a lot of energy burying them deep within you and that it is only recently that you have begun true healing. So I ask are you ready to trust? For us to trust each other as teachers or even mentors we must first have reverence for each other's wisdom and put aside any doubt we carry that can poison that trust. I know I must grow and to grow involves risk. I am willing to take your hand so we can guide each other into the darkness that lies before us.

Regarding out-of-body journeys, I also have experienced them, to sore as a bird, or run with a herd of horses. On the Island of the Gods I toured the interior in a dream, and was awed by its wonder. The power there is so different than what is here. The magic here is very strong but is formed and forced and does not flow the way it was on the Islands of the Gods. I am unable to tap into it and I find it unsettling and disturbing.




During this time that we are spending trying to adjust or out bodies I am finding more differences than I expected. That must mean you are also unsettled with my form.

Perhaps I can explain a little about what you are feeling and I find weaker in this body. First just sit and let your mind drift and let the anxieties of the situation subside. Try and enter a state of meditation. You will sense an energy in your body that is stronger than I can sense in yours. It may be focused in your gut or chest or even your limbs. This energy must be guided by your mind or it can become unpredictable. It is guided by emotions and will travel to different areas of your body depending on the situation. If you are angry it may settle in your head, if you are feeling love or melancholy it may be in your heart, if your are anxious or uneasy in may be in your belly, if you feel romantic or sexual in your groin or ready for battle in your limbs. If this is uncontrolled it may take over your actions and cause you to run in fear, kill in rage, or rape in lust. You must direct this for the situation and use it to enhance your abilities. By focusing on your needs and to direct your emotions you will be able to direct this energy to the parts of your body that you want.

During my last years at the guild I was taught how to focus this energy to the senses away from the physical areas of the body. By using this skill I was able to increase my perception improving my sight, smell and hearing giving me a marketable enhanced ability to spot, listen and detect things that are subtlety amiss.

While on the Island of the Gods I first experienced the ability that my guild master was trying to teach me when our time together ended. It was the ability to focus this energy outside my body. By doing this I would be able to affect thing that I have an affiliation with. Such as persuade plants to grow and grasp to our aid, to talk with animals, to sense and be at one with what is around me. The strong magical nature of that Island opened my mind to this ability. But as you said, it is me affecting my environment not me becoming one with it. I hope you will be able to guide me into that next step.

I feel that you must be able to use the energies around you to straighten your inner force. It is that ability I do not possess. I do hope that I have been some help in enlightening you on the powers that reside within and to keep a watchful eye over them.


To read Raven's responses, click here.