These are from letters exchanged by Raven (in BlackHawk's body) and BlackHawk (in Raven's body).


I find this turn of circumstances quite interesting. It is something that can be seen as a violation of our bodies, occurring without our permission. But I have had experiences in traveling beyond my physical being before, and it has been illuminating and educational. I believe that we should view this experience as an opportunity to learn and grow. Your body is so solid, sure and capable.

I feel a warrior's spirit within. I hope to learn from it as well. My people were peaceful, but the warrior in them was ready to rise up when necessary, when the tribe was threatened. But I never experienced that with my people. When I was a girl, we were at peaceÉuntilÉuntil my father took me away. So I have trained in fighting, but until this adventure, I have never had the experience of fighting with the poetic beauty that comes easily to you. I hope to learn some of that from you.

You are a Ranger, and a fine one at that. But I do notice that you observe nature, you do not experience it. You find it interesting, but you do not become one with it. BackHawk, you “are” nature, as much a child of it as that rock, or the bird that flies overhead. You must remember that.

I will teach you. But you must do something that is very difficult for you. You must learn to trust. Can you do this?

(Raven looks at her own form, her head tilted slightly. Is she amused at looking at herself? Or does she find it curious that she must now read BlackHawk’s expression on a different face?)



Do not concern yourself with my personal needs. I do not bury my pain. Healing can come only from acknowledging and feeling one’s pain. If I denied my feelings and my past, I would not be on this side of the ocean actively seeking answers. I look to the Great Mystery and pray that I will find that which I seek. Again, do not concern yourself. I have great trust that I am in the finest and best company on this quest.

You speak of trust between fighters and comrades, and even a trust of another soul. But I do not speak of that which is between lovers, or the kind of trust that makes you vulnerable. I speak of a trust that is more of a belief. I speak of a trust that is in the world around you.

When we were on the Sacred Isle, you felt compelled to coerce Andarta into helping us, not trusting that she would do so anyway. This is the kind of thing that I am speaking of. If you had opened yourself to the world around you, you would have felt her strength and purpose, and known that she would be willing. But you remained closed, apart, and suspicious.

This is where you must learn to open yourself. You were able to soar freely in spirit in your dreams. This is good for you. You must learn that the Great Mystery will support you, will be there for you. You do not have to control it to be able to trust the world around you.

So you see, when I say “I have great trust that I am in the finest and best company on this quest”, I do not refer merely to the abilities of this good group. I am talking about a trust in the Great Mystery to surround me with a noble company of people for my quest. My trust is not only in each of them, but in the Fate that brought us together.

You asked me if there was anything about my female body that you needed to know about, especially in terms of timing. Yes, there is, and it is something that perhaps you can learn from. My body bleeds at the new moon, every moon. This is a cycle that all women experience. It connects us with the moon. In fact, we are always in sync with it. At the full of the moon, we are most fertile, and most playful. As the moon wanes, we begin to feel a slight loss, a time of closing or ending, until the cycle begins again. Tonight, look at the moon. Feel yourself as part of it. What is it telling your body? What is it telling you? Open yourself.

Andarta spoke to me regarding you. She feels that you are developing well, but that you do indeed need to grow still in certain ways. I hope that I can help you. I hope that someday you will be able to return to the Sacred Isle, and experience the interior of the island in your fleshly being.


To see things from the ""Other Side" (BlackHawk's letters) click here.