This page contains important emails to or from the DM. Some are questions, like the ones from the Ales and Tales board, and others are narratives that describe things that happened in the campaign.

Adventurers Guild - Administrivia --A rough summary of the contract rules between the party and the Guild.

Adventurers Guild - Guild Ranks -- Summary of ranks within the Adventurers Guild and the Apprentices School.

Adventurers Guild - Reading the Fine Print -- More details about your Guild Contract.

Campaign Overview - Ardanian Inheritance -- Brutal oversimplification of a complicated subject. And yet, this describes the reason most of you became adventurers. Has a bit about the Foxes.

Campaign Overview - Ardanian Titles -- I took this from a Jane Austen site, but the Regency nobility she describes is almost identical to Ardanian nobility. (Page Broken)

Narrative - Dark Circle - Assembled in the Guildhall -- The Guild Leaders summon all the Guild members and describe the threat faced by Seagate.

Narrative - Dark Circle - Apprentice Briefing -- Cathrin Thunderfoot briefs the Apprentices on their various duties in defense of the Guild.

Narrative - Dark Circle - Final Briefing -- Fizzgig lays out a battle plan for the Primary and Secondary Characters..

Narrative - Dark Circle - Scene at Dalmar's Hill -- Honoring the Dead.

Narrative - Dark Circle - Dalmar's Hill (Jaden's Tale) -- Jaden mourns somemone from his past.

Lazy Days of Summer -- How our heroes spent their (last) summer vacation.

The Lives of the Senior Apprentices -- Let's look in on our heroes at school.

Seagate Times - Seedtime 2nd, 801 -- Newspaper article about the discovery of Alfred's body.