Excerpts from missives posted on the Ales and Tales website.

Adventurers Guild - Badge -- A description of the Guild device.

Adventurers Guild - Summary -- A brief description of the Guild.

Campaign Overview - Alignment -- A relatively concise summary of my alignment stance.

Campaign Overview - Bonus -- In which I describe some of the hidden -- and not-so-hidden -- awards players can earn for making our shared experience more enjoyable.

Campaign Overview - Classes -- My Reader's Digest summary of new character classes in Ardania.

Campaign Overview - Equipment Pt1 -- Doesn't cover equipment so much as discusses inheritance in Ardania.

Campaign Overview - Equipment Pt2 -- Short description of initial Ardanian starting equipment.

Campaign Overview - Geography -- Quick geography lesson.

Campaign Overview - Music -- Top of the Charts this week.

Campaign Overview - Races Pt1 -- Races of my world, especially as seen by Ardanians.

Campaign Overview - Races Pt 2 -- Racial breakdowns by place.

Campaign Overview - Religion Pt1 -- Short summary of the Celestial Church and the Blackcloaks.

Campaign Overview - Religion Pt2 -- Druids, Nonhuman Faiths, Ancestor Worship, and the Powers.

Dark Circle -- One of the early postings on the Dark Circle and its initial scope.

Five Ardanian Families -- Summary of the 5 Major Ardanian Noble Houses.

Fox Family -- Brief discussion of some of party relationships.

Haiku -- Well, it seemed profound at the time.....

Letter of Credit -- About the Letter of Credit you hopefully still have.

The Moonwind - Cargo -- Short description of the cargo the Moonwind was carrying.

The Moonwind - Crew Capacity -- Early note about the crew requirements of a caravel.