These are the official logs of the Adventurers Guild Chartered Company of the Winged Fox. Entries are by date.

13th of Seedtime 801 - The first official entry in the Guild Log. Written by BlackHawk and covering the period Seedtime 9th-13th. Covers the journey from Seagate to Tholos, and recounts the day's explorations on Tholos.

23rd of Seedtime 801 - Stephen's notes describe the journey from Tholos to the Veil -- about Seedtime 14th thru the 23rd. There's additional notes about Tholos, and a description of a battle with the Sahaugin. Notes describe the approach to the Veil, and the Betrayal and Shipwreck of the Moonwind.

26th of Seedtime 801 - Jaden gives more information about the Shipwreck, and describes the Company's efforts to survive on the open sea, and good fortune at finding a small island, which appears to have once been inhabited. Entry covers the period of 23rd thru the 26th of Seedtime.

28th of Seedtime 801 - Raven continues chronicling the company's exploration of the island, and describes the excavation of the odd structure at the north end of the isle, which contained several surprises. Also surprising was the close flyby of an enormous dragon of uncertain color.

30th of Seedtime 801 - BlackHawk has created an amazing log entry here including a map. He describes the events of the 28th through the 30th, including the sailing of the Table, the discovery of a couple of islands, another encounter with a dragon, and a talking otter.

2nd of Blossom 801 - Jaden says, "Slip me a Fian! Is that Carlotta's Ghost? All this and talking otters too....." After consulting with the others, Jaden offers this addendum.

8th of Blossom 801 - Jotork's first attempt to keep the log is a good one, covering the eventful period of 2nd-8th of Blossom.

18th of Blossom 801 - Jaden takes up the written record almost 10 days after the last official entry. The Foxes come to question exactly why they call this place "Peaceful Island".

19th of Blossom 801 - On to a new island. Raven talks to some big cats, and Tenebrion talks to the party!

20th of Blossom 801 - From the Isle of the Cats to the Big Isle. What secrets lurk there?

21st of Blossom 801 - BlackHawk and Raven misidentify some mushrooms and now the whole party is tripping. Jotork describes how things get weirder and weirder and ...

22nd of Blossom 801 - BlackHawk talks about the next day on the Island now called Wanderland, and ponders several issues.

23rd of Blossom 801 - Stephen describes the transit and arrival at Thieves Island. Jaden picks up the log a few hours later in Part Two.

24th of Blossom 801 - Raven describes the journey to (and reception on) Centaur Isle. Is there another 'Brion brother messing with the Party?

26th of Blossom 801 - Jotork catches up a couple of busy days of travel, from Centaur Isle to Puddleby.

26th of Blossom 801 (continued) - Jaden does a pretty good job of keeping notes on what a scattered party is doing. Also, the Foxes meet Fara -- a Priestess of the Celestial Church.

27th of Blossom 801 - Stephen describes the journey to the Meadow, and the ritual that Fara performs that breaks Umbrion's curse.

28th of Blossom 801 - With Beltane just around the corner, the party celebrates the return to their respective bodies. The tale of Jaden and Lia reaches a climax. Spiritual differences test the party's newly strengthened bonds, and rumors of an outlaw elf worth a big bounty chill the evening's gathering. BlackHawk also tells a little bit about a mischievous little girl.

30th of Blossom 801 - The party books passage on a pirate ship sailing south. To fill the time before it sets sail, everyone travels with Lia to an isolated beach to celebrate Beltane. Jotork narrates.

Beltane 802 - It seems appropriate under the circumstances that Raven has written the log describing Beltane on Puddleby.

5th of Meadow 802 - Jaden squeezes in a lot of detail about Freeport, and talks about the frightening dream experienced by all.

24th of Meadow 802 - BlackHawk details the journey from Freeport to Bliss. Finally! Two months after departing from Seagate the Company reaches their destination.

25th of Meadow 802 - Jotork hastily jots down the last two tumultuous days' events. Jaden finishes off the thread (with a brawl) here.

26th of Meadow 802 - Jaden continues with the Trial. Looks like the party will be made Full Journeymen soon. Raven continues describing the Great Bliss shopping Trip.

27th of Meadow 802 - A manticore attacks Jaden and BlackHawk during the chaotic start of the Wind Shrine trip. Stephen records.

28th of Meadow 802 - BlackHawk chronicles the start of the ascent of the Wind Shrine.

29th of Meadow 802 - The conclusion of the Wind Shrine Pilgrimage. Gods! Dragons! The High Seat! Waking up next to Fara!

1st of Heat 802 - Elensul writes up the post-Shrine return to Bliss.

2nd of Heat 802 - Raven tries to capture a great many unique experiences during the trip to the Navigators Guild, including Skellius' memorial service.

3rd of Heat 802 - Elensul overlaps Raven's account somewhat, and continues on with the visit to the Navigators Guild, and the return.

5th of Heat 802 - It never rains but it pours -- the Foxes join with Roderick to try to capture a Bounty Hunter that is hunting for Jotork. BlackHawk is the scribe for this early morning soiree.

6th of Heat 802 - Stephen records the aftermath of the battle with the Bounty Hunter, and the Foxes receive bad news from Ardania -- including the fate of Max.

7th of Heat 802 - Jaden records the aftermath of the Bounty Hunter's appearance.

15th of Heat 802 - With the coming of the Solstice the Company of the Winged Fox is accepted as Full Journeymen, both of the Guild and the Bliss Chapter. Jaden scribes.

18th of Heat 802 - Elensul describes the week after Solstice up through the Company's departure on their next contract.

19th of Heat 802 - BlackHawk chronicles the trip to Arbor.

20th of Heat 802 - Substantial differences in atmosphere both inside and outside Arbor. Log by Stephen.

21st of Heat 802 - Jaden documents the trip to Grandview Tower.

22nd of Heat 802 - BlackHawk picks up the next day, ending with the battle against the Harpies. Elensul picks up the narrative of the visit to Grantham's Bowl, and meeting the strange Tinkers.

23rd of Heat 802 - The attack by a young red dragon poses a serious threat to the party, but they prevail. Jaden tells of the battle, and the arrival afterwards of the Foxes at Fallingrock Keep. Stephen continues the log with the evening's events, including a talk with the Earth Wizard Cymric.

24th of Heat 802 - The road to Tooley, and Tooley itself. The party has a rather disquieting meeting with the ancient Gnomish warlord Kandarius. BlackHawk is the scribe.

25th of Heat 802 - Raven describes the trip southward from the Gnomes' town, including a rather vicious fight with a Phase Spider. Later, Jaden describes the rather eccentric Halfling community of Greenhill.

26th of Heat 802 - Elensul's log takes the party all the way from Greenhill to the Trollbridge. Some mighty strange people on the road, too. Stephen picks up the tale --the party encounters a Troll in the Arsehole, and later fights off an attack by Goblins. BlackHawk finishes the day's events with a tale of the thrilling conclusion.

27th of Heat 802 - This log penned by Elensul describes the very long day at Fort Vindemar, including a visit to the Glimmermoor, completion of the contract with Spruce Bluff, and the partial victory against the goblinoid army.

30th of Heat 802 - Raven recounts the trip back to Bliss concluding the Caravan Escort Job.

1st of Breeze 802 - The Foxes find their rest in Bliss will be short -- a trip for Fara is approaching rapidly. Log by Jaden.

3rd of Breeze 802 - Stephen talks about Fara's first task, and the party's departure from Bliss.

9th of Breeze 802 - BlackHawk tries to capture once again the chaos that is Chaos Island.

10th of Breeze 802 - The Company of the Winged Fox enters the Chaos Gate and completes their task in the Chaos Bazaar. Log was recorded by Jaden.

11th of Breeze 802 - Elensul records the Party's departure from Chaos Island.

6th of Harvest 802 - Time flies when you are having fun. BlackHawk writes about Jaden's mysterious disappearance, and how the Foxes found themselves back in Turlough... perhaps regrettably. The action continues in Jaden's continuation of the battle.

7th of Harvest 802 - Raven's log talks about the aftermath of the battle with the First Dragon, how a Crossroads was discovered by Stephen, and how the Foxes managed to pursuade an entire village of Halflings to pull up stakes and follow them into a Mysterious Forest on the other side of the Crossroads. She also talks about the next day's exploration of a bridge and a blasted temple to the northeast of the Halfling Camp.

8th of Harvest 802 - Stephen begins by recapping the previous day's exploration, as well as the appearance of an Elf-like stranger who might be named Toviar. His log of the 8th describes the Foxes failed attempt to ambush the two remaining Dragons, and his frustration with BlackHawk's breaking of his peace magic.

9th of Harvest 802 - Jaden and BlackHawk go exploring, this time to the northwest, discovering a Cave and an Angry Dire Bear. The Halfling count is one higher than it should be, and the anomaly ends up sleeping with Raven.... at least, that's what her log says.

10th of Harvest 802 - Jaden's log has a brief recap of his exploration trip with BlackHawk. It continues the next morning with the Foxes slaying of the Second Dragon. The battle started off going horribly wrong, but the Party won over adversity.

11th of Harvest 802 - Élensûl's long account describes the events of the 10th, in which the Foxes defeated the Second and Third Red Dragons, discovered treasure, and explored Turlough's Wizard Tower.... briefly.... before they broke it. He continues on the 11th, with the Party's unbelievable whirlwind tour of The Gauntlet. Later, after recovering from his feverish illness, BlackHawk transcribes the Party's tale of the return trip.

12th of Harvest 802 - Jaden describes moving 212 Halflings through the Gauntlet. Kind of like herding cats with opposable thumbs.

14th of Harvest 802 - Stephen and Raven return (briefly!) to Bliss to say hi to Lia and pick up some supplies, while Jaden, Élensûl, and BlackHawk return to Turlough for the Foxes' Treasure. Élensûl was the Scribe.

15th of Harvest 802 - BlackHawk writes of the Foxes return to Bliss. Rumors of War are in the air, and something involving the Black Gryphons is afoot.

19th of Harvest 802 - Stephen's log contains an account of a battle with an Otyugh and the resuce of an Apprentice from a collapsed Cistern beneath Bliss.

28th of Harvest 802 - Élensûl tells of the contents of Max's box and letter.

10th of Snow 802 - BlackHawk summarizes a rather long stretch with the Company scattered, and talks about the beginning of Fara's Second Task.

12th of Snow 802 - Jaden covers the arrival at the Shrine, and the Second Task Briefing.

15th of Snow 802 - In this log entry, Jaden recounts how Fara's Second Task was achieved. Stephen continues the day's events in his entry.

16th of Snow 802 - Events of the Soltice continue into the next day. The compiled account of the Foxes encounter with a powerful Devil makes for a long tale. The Devil banishes the Foxes to another time and place, and subjects them to a cruel form of entertainment called XCrawl. BlackHawk describes the return and defeat of the Devil here. Lastly, here are some notes BlackHawk cribbed about things Fara said on the return trip.

17th of Snow 802 - Two Gnomes Apprentices and a Halfling youth get into trouble in the mysterious tunnels under town. A mysterious ritual complex and an even more mysterious Mirror give Roderick something else to keep him up at night. BlackHawk reports on his adventure with Stephen.

18th of Snow 802 - Élensûl describes a relatively eventful day, terminating into the collapses of Father Lodri's bell tower. In a separate note, he logs the strange "Visions" that were witnessed by the entire group.

24th of Snow 802 - Stephen recounts the amazing search for the giant animal that has been terrorizing the woods near Bliss.

26th of Snow 802 - Jaden continues the story of the Spirit Bear.

11th of Meadow 803 - After a long hiatus doing solo projects, the Foxes join Stephen on his way to Arbor. Enroute, they encounter strange ruins in the Arboreal Hills, as recounted by Elensul.

12th of Meadow 803 - BlackHawk continues Elensul's story, describing the ruined Summoner's Temple.

20th of Meadow 803 - Jaden has custody of the log for several weeks, and maintains an account of the Party's activities. Many events, as this period marks the beginning of Fara's Third Task.

28th of Meadow 803 - Jaden's logs continue with the arrival at Jerome's Family Estate.

1st of Heat 803 - BlackHawk recounts the Four Bishops recoginizing Stephen as the Taoiseach.

4th of Heat 803 - The Foxes undergo the Ritual to send them into the Grey Lands.